September 8, 2012

Stop Labeling Me As An Anorexic Already

This is a pure ranting post!

I have enough of  people passing the remark that I am anorexic.

I can totally understand when my friends tell me to eat more. I understand where they are coming from. They know me. 

But being labelled as an anorexic by strangers? ( I still can accept people calling me skinny as I can't deny that fact.) It is almost like an insult to me.  It is the same as them passing a remark "Hey! She/he is fat." They don't know my eating habits and my lifestyle.

And no, I'm not trying to flaunt my skinny-ness here. I'm not proud of it.

Yes, I am skinny...

But definitely not anorexic!

My kitten is depicting exactly how I am feeling.
The word is Frustration.

Continue reading and I will tell you why I am not anorexic.

But first, let's define someone who is an anorexic.

Someone who is an anorexic has an eating disorder that is characterized by the belief that he or she is fat, even when this person is dangerously thin. An anorexic have an eating disorder called Anorexia Nervosa, whereby a person can literally starve himself or herself to death. Anorexics have an intense and overwhelming fear of body fat and weight gain, with repeated dieting attempts and excessive weight loss.

Now, let's take a look at the symptoms of Anorexia.

- A refusal to eat
- An intense desire to be thin
- Repeated dieting attempts
- Excessive weight loss
- Refuses to maintain the minimal body weight
- Misses at least 3 consecutive menstrual cycles

Let me clear the air once and for all. I'm sick of repeating myself again and again.

First and foremost, I DO NOT HAVE ANY EATING DISORDER. It's just that I have a very small appetite and hence, I eat many small meals. I don't starve myself to death! I don't avoid food, I don't even avoid oily foods which some girls do. You will never ever hear me saying "Oh no! I'm going to get fat by eating these." Never! In fact, I love junk food and eat them between meals.

Secondly, I do not fear of gaining weight. In fact, I'm hungry for it.
I know very well that I'm skinny. I have girls telling me how they are envious of me. But I told them no, they wouldn't be. Not all clothes look great on a skinny body like mine. 
In fact. I envy them. I want to have a curvier body with a booty. 

I mean I'm already happy with my body shape with my given weight, but of course more would be better. ;)

Just so to let you know, I have been underweight since the day I was born. It's up to you to believe it or not. My mum was pretty much worried that she had tried all means to make me gain weight but to no avail. I remember vividly how my mum used to give us appetite boosters tablets to eat. It was the orange and sweet kind.

Standing at 1.6m, my supposed minimal weight is 51kg and now I'm only 37.5kg.
My weight has been fluctuating between 37kg and 40kg all these years.

The heaviest I've gotten was only a mere 45kg (5-6 years ago) after gaining an 8kg. I was taken back.
I went home telling my Grandma and my family. I was ecstatic. It was a pleasant surprise for all of them but that damn 8kg, isn't really noticeable on my body except for my face. Only my cheeks grew chubbier. My Grandma jokingly said where the hell has the 8kg gone to. However, it did not last for more than a week. I lost weight even though I was eating normally. 
It was a short-lived joy.

No matter how much I eat, it seems impossible for me to gain weight. It would take months for me to gain 1-2 kg but only a few days to lose it. It's difficult to maintain my weight, let alone gaining weight. I blame it on high metabolism rate.

From my understanding, eating small meals actually do not encourage weight-gaining and I tried eating large meals. Well, that didn't work out well for me either. I feel sick after eating large meals, therefore I reverted back to eating many small meals.

What's good about being skinny?
There's nothing good about it.

I don't look good in everything, especially in classic office wear.
I can't find any jeans which fits me really well.

Speaking of jeans, let me talk about shorts. I have been criticised about my short shorts.
What they don't understand is that as the size of shorts increases, its length increases proportionally right. Correct me if I'm wrong. 
But I'm wearing S size shorts to accommodate my small thighs, so the shorts would naturally look shorter on my long legs. Am I right? If I'm short like 1.5m+, then the pair of S size shorts would look perfectly fine on me, but I'm 1.6m.
Not only do I have difficulty in searching for suitable jeans but also shorts. It is really difficult to find a pair of small sized shorts with a length deemed decent as shorts for my height, not short shorts.
At least my own shorts doesn't expose my butt cheeks like nobody's business.

Continuing the list are...

I'm labelled as an anorexic though I am not one.
My female lumps shrink. It's depressing.
Because I'm severely underweight, I've got low blood pressure and low blood sugar. As a result, I get giddy or fainting spells at times. At times, migraines can occur. Fun meh?

But I'm glad I'm healthy generally. I rarely fall sick and my menstrual cycle is regular.

Now you know what it really is, so don't anyhow label me as an Anorexic ok.


  1. I know EXACTLY how you feel. I am an underweight girl and I have been my whole life. People call me things like stick girl, etc etc. They have no idea how bad it makes me feel! I feel self conscious in bathing suits and activities. Like, I want to do dance classes, but I'm so scared people will just be looking at my weight and skinny limbs than at my talent. People always tell me I look sick and should eat more and things like that. I have a small appetite and get full very fast. There is a certain body type called an "Ectomorph" and it means you burn calories incredibly fast. I wish people wouldn't call me anorexic either. :(

    1. Hi Rubi, I can totally understand when attention are all on your weight instead of on YOU. I do get names too such as Fishbone and bamboo when I was in primary school, walking skeleton and hell lot more! But please! Don't let all these name-calling get you down! I got used to it and take it as a joke, i called them names back. Hah! But it was all pretty hatmless.Don't be too self- conscious about how you look in bath suits. You know being skinny has its charm too don't you. Dance the way you love to, people will see your talent! I Used to dance for 12 years and nope, people don't pretty much focus on my size. Even if they do, your dance would eventually draw their attention to your talent. Actually I do encourage you to take up dance classes as it will help you tone up your legs and arms.

      The next time someone call you an anorexic, lift your chin and say "hell no am I anorexic! My body is just way too good at burning fats. I can eat all I want and do not have to worry about getting fat!"

      Be confident! Bring out the best from what's within you! This way, you will be pretty in everyone's eyes . <3


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