juz g0t back fr0m mac... had a grill3d chick3n f0ld0v3r m3al... it lo0k3d tasty, but alas, it din r3ali tast3 dat go0d wh3n i to0k a bit3 (at l3ast t0 m3)... i dislik3 th3 skin... anyway, was reminiscing the go0d 0ld days wh3n w3r3 still in kind3rgard3n 0r primary scho0l with all th3 pur3 inn0c3nt kiddish fun... s0m3h0w s0mewad, baby was t0kin b0ut a f3w 0f his primary scho0l fr3ns wh0 actually shat in th3ir pants... i was happily sippin 0n my c0k3, list3nin intrigu3ly t0 him... d3n cam3 this part which h3 d3scrib3d th3 trail 0f shit 0n th3 flo0r wh3n th3 po0r fella chi0ng t0 th3 t0il3t... i ch0k3d 0n my c0k3 & sw3ar dat i alm0st spit 3v3rything right int0 baby's fac3 (lik3 th0s3 classical type u s33 in dramas), inst3ad, th3 c0k3 was all 0v3r th3 s3rvin tray...
as h3 sp3aks 0n, i n0tic3d a w0man, hu dr3ss3d quit3 casually cam3 0v3r to a tabl3 wh3r3 th3r3 ar3 left0v3r fo0d... sh3 calmly to0k a s3at & pr0c33d3d t0 c0nsum3 th3 l3ft0v3rs... 0h man... dat was lik3 s0... many qu3sti0ns cam3 t0 m3, payin littl3 att3nti0n t0 baby... c0uld it b3 dat sh3's damn po0r t0 aff0rd a pr0p3r m3al(bt sh3 wasnt dr3ss3d shabbily), 0r is it dat sh3 fac3d s0m3 pr0b & tri3s to b3 as frugal as p0ssibl3, 0r c0uld sh3 b3 m3ntally unstabl3? wad dr0v3 th3 po0r w0man t0 r3s0rt t0 such acti0ns? i f3lt s0 much f3r h3r... at this p0int 0f tim3 , i n0tic3d a tabl3 0f ladi3s ( hu all lo0k brainy) w3r3 actually passin s0m3 n3gativ3 r3marks b0ut th3 w0man... th3 star3s 0f th3irs sh0w3d n0 m3rcy t0 h3r.. wtf is wr0ng wif th3ir fcukkin h3ad... c0uldn't d3y b3 m0r3 s3nsitiv3 t0wards h3r f33lings??? piss3d m3 0ff s0 much... dun und3rstand why s0m3 pple jus l0v3 t0 star3 s0 much...
it's t0ugh, but i'll l3arn t0 handl3 it
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