credits: mike s candleghostgosh... i dun think im cut to be a researcher...
today, during CCTA practical, we have got to dissect white mouse to extract the spleen...
the mouse we had to dissect was the one we reared in IMMUNO...
method of sacrificing them: put dem in a box which will release carbon monoxide gas... this, they will die of suffocation.. it was really heart wrenching to see them cuddling with each other for one mo, and the other mo, scrambling all over in the box in panic...
i could not bear to look at dem any longer and went aside bawling my eyes out...
sweet carol came over and showed concern...
when i thought i was feelin all better, i went over to the workin bench... at that moment, our TSO brought out the already dead mouse for us to dissect... thiis proved to be too much for me... lookin at the lil lifeless thing, recallin how much they have struggled when they were in the carbon monoxide filled box sent me hurryin to the door and leave the labatory and started bawlin my eyes out again...
this whole practical took bout 3 hours to complete.. damn.. i hope there will be no similar experiments anymore...