December 7, 2008

th3 guys

aft3r dr0ppin by hh's h0us3,w3nt t0 st3v3n's h0us3 t0 drink sinc3 h3's g0in f3r attachm3nt f3r 1 m0nth plus at china... s0rt 0f s3ndin him 0ff... play3d s0m3 r3tard3d gam3s which g0t th3 wh0l3 l0t 0f us luffin lyk mad...

0n 0ur way t0 g3t m0r3 drinks
th3r3 w3r3 s0m3 g0od lickin, suckin and bl0win g0in 0n...
all thanks t0 s0m30n3 hu s3t th3 rul3 dat n0 hands ar3 all0w3ed ab0v3 th3 tabl3 l3v3l at any p0int 0f tim3... s0 imagin3 h0w th3 h3ll w3 add in m0r3 drinks int0 a playin cup, h0w th3 h3ll w3 pick and flip 0v3r th3 p0k3r cards, and m0vin th3 cups ar0und... all 0ur hands b3l0w tabl3 l3v3l... a hilari0us and r3tard3d sight...

pics tak3n wh3n i was busy v0mittin

i was tak3n first blo0d... h0p3l3ssly v0mittin in st3v3n's t0il3t... but i din mak3 a m3ss in his t0il3t th0ugh... rit3 st3v3y??? th3 guys s3ri0usly can drink on3 d3 l0s... idiots... i was s0rt 0f d3pr3ss3d f3r th3 wh0l3 day... s0 drinkin g3t m3 d0wn 3v3n m0r3... y3a... i r3m3mb3r i was cryin my 3y3s 0ut in th3 t0il3t & 0ut 0f th3 t0il3t... cryin & cryin n0n st0p... it must hav3 b33n an ugly sight... st3v3n was nic3 t0 g3t m3 a cup 0f warm wat3r... *thanks* d3n i h3ar al0t 0f t0kins ar0und m3... retarded xi0ng... h3 r3ali can b3 a... argh...dun mak3 m3 smack u... th3y ar3 r3ali a bunch 0f nic3 guys...

hav3 a saf3 trip and tak3 go0d car3 0f urs3lf whil3 u ar3 th3r3

i lo0k3d 0ut 0f th3 wind0w, i saw th3 sky is bruis3d and is cryin...


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